Sunday, January 26, 2020
People Donating To Charity Health And Social Care Essay
People Donating To Charity Health And Social Care Essay There is varied outlook among people about donating to charity. This research is focused on understanding peoples attitudes towards donating for charity. An attitude questionnaire was prepared and surveyed among people. Simple percentage analysis was used to study the survey results to research on attitude difference among people of different age group, gender and environment. Also, their personal opinion about charity, charity channel and preference of charity organization was collected and studied. Results were produced in graphical and tabular forms and it is observed that people in the age group above 35 are more likely to donate than younger generation, women are more interested to donate than men, many people prefer to donate in person rather than donating online and some people are least interested to donate because of their ignorance about charity organisations. With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds. [5] -Abraham Lincoln The research is mainly focused to find out what people think about charity and to understand the reason why many people donate for charity as well as why many people do not donate to charity. Different Charity attitude among different age group, gender and location is studied in this research to make judgements about charity awareness among people. Preference about charity channel is studied to understand which channel has reached many people and which channel is weak in promotion. The research conducted by[4] supporting aged people states that 10.3 million people in the UK are 65 and over, and this is set to rise to over 16.4 million by 2033.They say the cause might be due to hearing loss, dementia and incontinence. They are striving hard to help people to be medically fit. They request people to support their research by funding and other research works which are related to age related illness. Volunteering is also a part because he/she is contributing a help even though the person could not contribute financially. It could be administrative work, arranging a stall or helping people in the way they feel like without profit except for the love with their heart and soul. There are much more related to charity for the people who couldnt support themselves either by their family or relatives. The list goes on whether it is a disease, environmental funding, disaster or which is affecting the people lives. Assessment of analysis showed that majority of the people have donated for charity at least once whereas less than 35% of the people have not donated yet due to various reasons. The results also stated that main reasons provided by the particular age group for not donating to charity includes being a student, laziness, did not start earning and so on. Also many have mentioned that they are not aware of the procedure in making donation to charity. This study also examined that majority of the people are interested in donating for aged , child youth and disabled sectors than other part of the charity sectors. The survey also showed the results crossed with gender and crossed with age along with general statistics. And also shows the channel that most of the people prefer for donating to charity and how frequently they do. Literature Review NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) and CAF (Charity Aided Foundation) jointly conducted an analysis in December 2010[3] UK Giving 2010 An overview of charitable giving in the UK, 2009/10 which states that the proportion of adults in the UK giving to charity increased by 2% and reached 56% which was 54% in 2008/09 and the same UK giving 2011 conducted on December 2011[2] states that it increased to 2% more and reached 58% in 2010/11. Methodology Online survey method has been followed in gathering the results. A list of questionnaire mentioned below has been prepared and online survey has been designed with the help of and the survey link has been promoted through Facebook for collecting the results. Online survey link: The results were analysed using simple statistical method. Percentage analysis method is used to convert the answers into statistics. C:UsersSureishDesktopPDRMimagesPicture2.png Figure : Methodology Flow Diagram List of questionnaire Have you ever donated to charity? Any reason for not donating to charity? How long have you been donating for charity? Through what channel you will make the donation? To which charity category you have donated? (Select at least one) Do you regularly donate to a charity? Enter the name of the Charity you have donated (At-least one) Any reason in donating for Charity? How often do you donate for charity? Findings Charity Donation Behaviour General Statistics Below table and graphs shows the general statistics on whether people have donated for charity (Yes/No) Total Respondents: 41 Result Total (%) Count Yes 65.85% 27 No 34.15% 14 Table : Charity Donation Behaviour General Statistics Graph : Charity Donation Behaviour General Statistics Charity Donation Behaviour Crossed with: Gender Below table and graphs shows the statistics on whether people have donated for charity (Yes/No Crossed with: Gender) Total Respondents: 41 Result Total (% ) Count Male 100% (31) Female 100% (9) Yes 67.5% 27 64.52% 20 77.78% 7 No 32.5% 14 35.48% 12 22.22% 2 Table : Charity Donation Behaviour Crossed with: Gender Graph : Charity Donation Behaviour Crossed with: Gender Charity Donation Behaviour Crossed with: Age Below table and graphs shows the statistics on whether people have donated for charity (Yes/No Crossed with: Gender) Total Respondents: 41 Result Total (%) Count 18 34 100% (33) 35 54 100% (6) 55 + 100% (1) Yes 67.5% 27 60.61% 20 100% 6 100% 1 No 32.5% 14 39.39% 14 0% 0 0% 0 Table : Charity Donation Behaviour Crossed with: Age Graph : Charity Donation Behaviour Crossed with: Age Donation Frequency General Statistics Below table and graphs shows the general statistics on how often people donate for charity Total Respondents: 27 Result Total (% ) Count Weekly 0% 0 Bi Weekly 0% 0 Monthly 37.04% 10 Bi Monthly 3.7% 1 Quarterly 11.11% 3 Half-Yearly 7.41% 2 Annually 22.22% 6 Rarely 18.52% 5 Table : Donation Frequency General Statistics Graph : Donation Frequency General Statistics Channel used General Statistics Below table and graphs shows the general statistics on the major channels through which donations are made. Total Respondents: 27 Channel Total (%) Count Charity Website 18.52% 5 In Person 66.67% 18 Social Networking (like Facebook) 3.7% 1 Other, please specify 11.11% 3 Table : Channel used General Statistics Graph : Channel used General Statistics Other includes Volunteering work NGO or in person shops Charity Sector General Statistics Below table and graph shows the general statistics to which charity sector people shows more interest in donating. Charity Sector Total (%) Count Aged 51.85% 14 Animals 11.11% 3 Armed Ex-Services 3.7% 1 Children Youth 59.26% 16 Community 0% 0 Culture Heritage 0% 0 Disabled 48.15% 13 Education Training 18.52% 5 Employment, Trades Professions 0% 0 Environment 11.11% 3 Family 0% 0 Health 25.93% 7 Hearing Impairments 7.41% 2 Hospices 3.7% 1 Hospitals 7.41% 2 Housing 0% 0 Human Rights 11.11% 3 Learning Disabilities SEN 3.7% 1 Medical Research 18.52% 5 Medical Welfare 14.81% 4 Mental Health 7.41% 2 Overseas Aid 7.41% 2 Religious 14.81% 4 Rescue Services 3.7% 1 Social Welfare 7.41% 2 Sport Recreation 0% 0 Visual Impairments 3.7% 1 Other, please specify 3.7% 1 Total Respondents: 27 Table : Charity Sector General Statistics Graph : Charity Sector General Statistics Charity Sector Crossed with: Gender Below table and graph shows to which charity sector people shows more interest in making donations (Crossed with: Gender). Category Total (% ) Count Male 100% (20) Female 100% (7) Aged 51.85% 14 45% 9 71.43% 5 Animals 11.11% 3 5% 1 28.57% 2 Armed Ex-Services 3.7% 1 0% 0 14.29% 1 Children Youth 59.26% 16 55% 11 71.43% 5 Community 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Culture Heritage 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Disabled 48.15% 13 50% 10 42.86% 3 Education Training 18.52% 5 20% 4 14.29% 1 Employment, Trades Professions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Environment 11.11% 3 15% 3 0% 0 Family 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Health 25.93% 7 30% 6 14.29% 1 Hearing Impairments 7.41% 2 10% 2 0% 0 Hospices 3.7% 1 0% 0 14.29% 1 Hospitals 7.41% 2 5% 1 14.29% 1 Housing 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Human Rights 11.11% 3 15% 3 0% 0 Learning Disabilities SEN 3.7% 1 5% 1 0% 0 Medical Research 18.52% 5 15% 3 28.57% 2 Medical Welfare 14.81% 4 10% 2 28.57% 2 Mental Health 7.41% 2 10% 2 0% 0 Overseas Aid 7.41% 2 10% 2 0% 0 Religious 14.81% 4 20% 4 0% 0 Rescue Services 3.7% 1 5% 1 0% 0 Social Welfare 7.41% 2 5% 1 14.29% 1 Sport Recreation 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Visual Impairments 3.7% 1 5% 1 0% 0 Other 3.7% 1 0% 0 14.29% 1 Total Respondents: 27 Table : Charity Sector Crossed with: Gender Graph : Charity Sector Crossed with: Gender Charity Sector Crossed With: Age Below table and graph shows to which charity sector people shows more interest in making donations (Crossed With: Age). Total Respondents: 27 Charity Sector Total (% freq col) 100% (27) 18 34 100% (20) 35 54 100% (6) 55 + 100% (1) Aged 51.85% 14 65% 13 16.67% 1 0% 0 Animals 11.11% 3 10% 2 16.67% 1 0% 0 Armed Ex-Services 3.7% 1 5% 1 0% 0 0% 0 Children Youth 59.26% 16 60% 12 66.67% 4 0% 0 Community 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Culture Heritage 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Disabled 48.15% 13 50% 10 50% 3 0% 0 Education Training 18.52% 5 20% 4 16.67% 1 0% 0 Employment, Trades Professions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Environment 11.11% 3 5% 1 33.33% 2 0% 0 Family 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Health 25.93% 7 20% 4 50% 3 0% 0 Hearing Impairments 7.41% 2 0% 0 16.67% 1 100% 1 Hospices 3.7% 1 5% 1 0% 0 0% 0 Hospitals 7.41% 2 10% 2 0% 0 0% 0 Housing 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Human Rights 11.11% 3 5% 1 33.33% 2 0% 0 Learning Disabilities SEN 3.7% 1 0% 0 16.67% 1 0% 0 Medical Research 18.52% 5 10% 2 50% 3 0% 0 Medical Welfare 14.81% 4 15% 3 16.67% 1 0% 0 Mental Health 7.41% 2 10% 2 0% 0 0% 0 Overseas Aid 7.41% 2 5% 1 16.67% 1 0% 0 Religious 14.81% 4 5% 1 50% 3 0% 0 Rescue Services 3.7% 1 5% 1 0% 0 0% 0 Social Welfare 7.41% 2 5% 1 16.67% 1 0% 0 Sport Recreation 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 Visual Impairments 3.7% 1 0% 0 16.67% 1 0% 0 Other 3.7% 1 5% 1 0% 0 0% 0 Table : Charity Sector Crossed with: Gender Graph : Charity Sector Crossed with: Gender Survey Result -Reason for donating We live a good life, so some money can get to people who have nothing. People have to help each other if government is not capable. To Help. Can claim back on tax. To help thalassemia children. Mainly when feeling generous, but if its for something like the Poppy Appeal or Help for Heroes its because I strongly believe in their causes and know the money does reach the soldiers. To help fellow beings. I find happiness in helping the needy. Poor children education. Survey Result -Reason for not donating Dont know. Laziness I guess. But I have the desire to donate. Till now I didnt have any opportunity to donate meant that I didnt get any information to donate but am keen interested in that and we have organised a camp like taking the orphanage students to kishkintha which is a theme park in Chennai and our teams name is vizhigal. I have recently started working. Being a student I dont have cash to donate. Didnt get a chance. I am not getting enough income to donate to charity. Not yet came across a chance to do. Conclusion Looking at the results more than 65% of the people shows interest in donating to charity at least once and less than 35% havent donated due to various reasons mentioned above. The research also concluded that the people with age above 35 are much interested in donating to charity and the age group between 18 and 34 are least interested due to various reasons such as they have just started their work or they are still student and do not have enough money for providing donations. Recommendations The awareness in explaining the benefits and procedure in donating to charity needs to be increased as the research results states that the younger age group (between 18 and 34) are not aware of what procedure to follow for making donating to charities. Donation through internet is an easy way to reach out people in all age group especially young generation. Online promotions of charity organisation will definitely change the donation behaviour of people when the opportunities to give are plenty and easy.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Habit Is Stronger Than Reason Essay
ââ¬Å"Habit is stronger than reason.â⬠To what extent is this true in two areas of knowledge? Human beings have naturally found a way of wanting to discover, analyze and find out things. In more modern times humans have been taught to think in certain ways due to what they want to do in life or through their ancestors that passed down traditions that is carried on through them i.e. culture and religion. The two areas of knowledge I chose were mathematics and history. There is always an explanation in each area of knowledge; in mathematics we can say that there is always reasoning behind everything. But in an everyday life we use mathematics habitually, for instance if you woke up in the morning you had to take two vitamins, every human (unless given a diagnosed problem and or no education) can tell the difference of two, and knowing that you have to take two. Only because mathematics is in bedded within our lives from a very young age and in this case habit is stronger than reason. This all changes once you get to a higher and more difficult level of mathematics because there is no way that the quadratic equation is used on a daily basis as a habit (unless youââ¬â¢re some sort of super genius). So, in the case that mathematics at a beginner level, habit is much stronger than reason. Depending on how the individual grew up and was raised, the knowledge could be affected. It could be tradition to carry on the knowledge of their ancestors. In history there are many sides to the historical even which took place for example World War two, Hitler himself would have had different views and experiences throughout the war and he or someone else may have documented it different to a American journalist who was seeing the opposing side of the Germans, he could be writing his own views according to his country and not only the entire war itself. History is in bedded in the learner, and even the teacher could be accounted for, due to the fact that most of the knowledge i s learned in school at a young age so say if the example of world war two was given again; a German teacher could have a different view point than a American teacher. A good personal example is during the first year of secondary school, I was in history and slavery was being taught; note that I was the only white person in the class. We were learning about the transport and the enslavement off of West Africa and the teacher was so good at explaining how the white masters treated the slaves and was so enthusiastic in his descriptions. At the end of the class no one uttered a word to me just because I was white. This example can also relate to the race of the learner. Every race has its own history behind it, the reason why racism is currently still around is because of peoples history and how their opinions were changed through group knowledge. Reasoning could be stronger than habit through the beliefs and experiences of that individual. However the believes could have been forced against them through family, but looking at a different point of view, it could be because that the family was set certain rules and wanted to continues the family tradition. This could relate to history because it was what their ancestors taught them into believing, and if one of the family members spoke out they could be frowned upon. Religion could be used as this family tradition, for instance if a family who were Christians their entire life, had a family member who was an Atheist, spoke out and gave their opinion would not only be frowned upon by his family, but in the families eye let down by whom they believe in. Without the area of knowledge, answering that question could go both ways ââ¬Å"is reasoning stronger than habit.â⬠It all depends on which cases are matched to the reasoning and habit, because mostly people act differently, people have different views. There are ways though that habit is stronger than reason, due to the fact that people are altered in becoming addicted to something, whether it may be cigarettes and or drugs. The abusers minds are altered from the substance which makes the cigarette and or drug addictive, this means that whatever the substance may be, it has convinced the human mind and body that it needs it. Often the human body and mind changes if it hasnââ¬â¢t got that substance in awhile, for example in crack cocaine abusers, there body tends to crave and need the substance again after it has been taken. It makes the body and person depressed, anxious, irritable, and exhausted even angry of the drug isnââ¬â¢t consumed. This proves that habit is stronger than reason, only due to the fact that the mind has been altered in to believing that it wants that certain substance even though they know itââ¬â¢s completely bad for the body. The question is habit stronger that reasoning is a yes, but also a no due to the fact that the question can be altered depending on what the back ground of person is and what theyââ¬â¢ve learnt and experienced, plus the influence of addictive substances. The question could be asked vis versa is reasoning stronger than habit? It could be answered as a yes and no as well because yet again most people are different.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Detailed Notes on Kellogg Essay Samples in an Easy to Follow Manner
Detailed Notes on Kellogg Essay Samples in an Easy to Follow Manner New Ideas Into Kellogg Essay Samples Never Before Revealed Test date has to be within the last two decades. These tests will construct your confidence and your time management abilities. Practice tests are the best method to receive ready. Practice under an identical pressure and boost your confidence. Hearsay, Deception and Kellogg Essay Samples There's no need to submit them at the time once you first apply. Attempt to wrap your head around that Something shifted along the best way to IMPROVE you. You will have 20 seconds to think of the question and up to a minute to present your response. In terms of structure, 500 words isn't a lot of room, so it needs to be used wisely. You're going to be surrounded by writing professionals throughout the plan of order placement, and the moment you opt to purchase essay and pick an allocated writer, things will get even more exciting. If you're struggling to pinpoint your defining values, you might attempt to work backwards' when crafting this essay with an easy exercise. Be certain to save a duplicate of your essays, and preview the uploaded document to make sure that the formatting is preserved. Both have contexts where you are able to write about your private story. The best essays I've read have heart, aren't over-edited, and enable the applicant's personality emerge (even though you may not realize this is what you're doing). The questions are made to bring to life the person we've learned about on paper. After editing is done, your thoughts, voice, and style stay intact. There isn't a chance to re-do the response to the official video essay questions. It's in your very best interest that every letter gives new or different information regarding you. There are 3 questions. Utilizing similar examples in both questions may not supply the breadth we want. Please provide certain examples. The Kellogg Essay Samples Game Admitted students who opt to enroll will be asked to submit official SAT or ACT test scores before matriculation. It may be beneficial to know that we'll only review your application after we've received all application materials. Please provide any info you would love to improve your application you have not otherwise i ncluded. Locate a whole collection of waived applicants. Inappropriate coaching takes place when you allow other people to craft any portion of your application for you and, as a consequence, your application or self-presentation isn't authentic. After the question arises about the value of GPA in MBA Admissions process, then we'd say its an important aspect that you must keep a watch out for! If you are not able to receive one from an immediate supervisor, explain the reason in the extra section of the application. Use this section if you believe the individual reviewing your application might have a couple questions about at least one of your responses. Kellogg Essay Samples Features Mention a selection of activities to prove that you're indeed well-rounded. Instead, you wish to demonstrate valuable lessons learned. Don't be tricked by No word count. As an example, in the uk where most people today eat cereal regularly for their breakfast, Kellogg's should attempt persuading consumers to purchase their brand instead of a competit ors brand. It is possible to remain in a great safe college town whilst simultaneously being in a position to enjoy one of America's most diverse cities. You ought to be able to tell a very clear story about how you might promote the Kellogg community. If you know why it is you are at Kellogg, you're likely to understand the way you can benefit yourself and also ways to benefit the school. Kellogg's products has changed into a portion of the delicious mornings for the folks around the world since a century. Today nutrition is still the core of our business enterprise. Kellogg's believes that each and every morning ought to start with a nutritious breakfast. It is a very passionate company. The Upside to Kellogg Essay Samples The price is dependent upon the size and urgency. The visual inspection of the item or the experience of buying the product play an important part in the decision making of the consumer. Customer focus and retention is a potent strategic advantage that helps to grow the profitability of the business and to survive in the high competitive atmosphere. The significance of consumers and their value plays a significant role and cannot be neglected by the companies in the modern business world.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Why Does the Pool Turn Blonde Hair Green
It isnt the chlorine that turns blonde hair green. Oxidized metals in the water bind to the protein in the hair shaft and deposit their color. The metal that produces the green tint is copper, which is most commonly found in algicides, though it naturally occurs in some water. The bleach that is added to a pool may be responsible for oxidizing the metal, but its not the cause of the color. Aside from copper, other metals may be present in water that can color your hair, including manganese and iron. You could just rock the green color -- the Statue of Liberty has green hair for the same reason are wears it well -- but if the color isnt your thing, you can prevent it or reverse it. How to Prevent Your Hair from Turning Green Fortunately, there are simple ways to prevent hair discoloration. Yes, you could wear a swim cap, but there are other options. If you do go with a swim cap, you should wet your hair with regular water first. As a general rule, swim caps arent water-tight. They are a good option to reduce exposure to chemicals in water and probably your best choice if you have color-treated hair.Wet your hair before you get into the pool or spa. If your hair is already wet when you hit the pool, its much less susceptible to chemicals in the water.Put leave-in conditioner on your hair. The conditioner seals the hair cuticle so copper doesnt have access to the strands to bind to them.Rinse or shampoo your hair when you leave the pool. Be sure to condition your hair, because pool treatments or sea water are very drying. If you keep your hair healthy, its much harder for metal ions to bind to it. Damage to your hair lifts keratin on the cuticle, basically asking for trouble. How to Remove Green Color from Your Hair Whats that you say? Youre already sporting green locks? There are effective ways to release the copper and return to normal. If your hair turns green, you can remove the discoloration by using a shampoo that chelates the metal. Any clarifying shampoo will help, but there are several effective products specifically formulated for swimmers that bind to copper and other metals and lift them from the hair. In addition to shampoo, you can get conditioner and also glucose crystals, which remove severe discoloration safely. I have used the Malibu Swimmers set from Amazon successfully.You can turn to household chemicals for a quick fix. While they might not smell as pretty as professional products, youve already got them in your kitchen! What you need is a mildly acidic ingredient, which releases the copper. Good choices are lemon juice, orange juice, or vinegar in water. Either apply one of these ingredients to wet hair or else mix them with water and pour them through your hair. Then, rinse, shampoo, and condition your hair.Another option is to apply ketchup or tomato juice. Both ketchup and tomato juice are aci dic, plus the natural red pigment (lycopene) help to counteract the green tint. To use ketchup, mix equal parts with conditioner, apply the mixture to your hair, and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Unless you want to smell like you just left a fast food restaurant, shampoo and condition your hair. What Causes Swimmers Hair?
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